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Dies ist ein Nachbau des HK5 SD.
Die Texturen sind vom einem Bild, welches ich im Internet fand.
Das Hand- mesh ist von Danilo.

This is a Remake of the HK5 SD.
The textures are from a picture which I found in the internet.
The Hand- mesh is made by Danilo.


Einfach die Datei mit dem WADmerger als "source WAD" laden und
die Animation und die enthaltenden Objekte mittels "<< Copy" in das eigene Wad einsetzen.
Bei Bedarf kannst du die Audiodatei in das entsprechende Verzeichnis verschieben "trle/sound/Samples".

Load the WAD with your WADmerger as "source WAD" and put the objects and the animation with "<< Copy" into your WAD.
If you want or need it, you can put the sound data in the folder "trle/sound/Samples"

If you want to use it, please give credit

made by tauchwiesel

Object Type

no rate
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378 hits

31 Dec 2023

169 KB

102 dl
LARA CROFT and TOMB RAIDER are trademarks or registered trademarks of Square Enix Limited.
The TRLE Search Engine is an unofficial site for trle fans, by trle fans. None of the downloads on this site is supported by Square Enix Limited nor Crystal Dynamics / Eidos Interactive / Core Design.
The TRLE Search Engine is not responsible for the downloads that can be found here. All items are owned by the person who submitted it.