Music to be added to the game
by Alican_GumuscuHi. I m back!
Hi. I m back!
Here is a updated compilation of TR OSTs, so you don't have to find them one by one. Contains: Tom...
Music used in "The Idol of Durga," created in GarageBand. Includes synth-style title music, battle m...
Ambient sounds extracted from the game 'Starshine Legacy'. I own absolutely nothing! Credit is not...
I managed to rip ambients from terrains and towns. There are two versions of the sounds,(loop and n...
A music set from cutesy, yet pretty scary horror game The Bunny Graveyard. However, these tunes are...
A small compilation of ambience from my sound design explorations, contains both natural and unnatur...
A small compilation of ambience from my sound design explorations, contains both natural and unnatur...
Collection of excellent music pieces from a VERY Silent Hill inspired horror game, Karamari Hospital...
Audio tracks to use in custom levels or anywhere else. Danger1 Danger2 Encounter Exploration T...
Just some rain tracks, more amazing music, and some weird SFX.
Hilarious and Great tracks made by unknown authors in the TR community. They're bangers!
A spin off Elder Scrolls game's music tracks and sound effects.
A small, yet very nice set of music pieces from really good indie fps game HROT. Nice, unique and f...
A full pack of almost all ambient and sfx files from Lara Croft: GO *File includes Google Drive l...
Music Tracks From The Elder Scrolls - Arena Game Converted to .MP3
Music Tracks From The Elder Scrolls - Arena Game Converted to .MP3
A re-named version of the TR2 tracks, to help out a little with using CDAudio { deprecated due to th...